The Ian Coulson Annual Bursary

This annual bursary has been established by Kent Archaeological Society in memory of Ian Coulson. Ian was Adviser for History in Kent schools for over 25 years and, at the time of his premature death in 2015, President of the Kent Archaeological Society. Teachers in Kent schools are invited to apply for the bursary to develop classroom resources based on Kent’s local history and/or archaeology, two of Ian’s great passions. It is open to teachers in both primary and secondary schools.
One bursary, of £1000 maximum, will be available each academic year for which any Kent school can apply.
Aim of the bursary
To support the teaching and learning of archaeology and local history in Kent and Medway schools.
How to apply
Teachers are invited to apply for the bursary, by submitting a short application form, by the end of June preceding the academic year to which the bursary will apply. Applications will be accepted from the beginning of April and should be sent to andyharmsworth@hotmail.com. Members co-opted from the KAS Learning and Engagement Committee will check the applications and choose one which best fits the above aims. Schools will be informed of their decision before the end of the summer term. The bursary, and the project which it is intended to support, will then run for the whole of the next academic year (September to July).
Expectations and outcomes
Teachers in the successful school will have one year to research their chosen topic and produce related classroom materials. For the duration of the project they will have access to an adviser appointed by the KAS Learning and Engagement Committee. They will be expected to produce:
local history/archaeology resources for children to use over a sustained period of time (i.e. several hours’ work in the classroom);
teacher support materials; for example a scheme of work, detailed explanatory notes and advice, additional resources and a bibliography;
all resources must be in digital format (acceptable formats include Word, pdf, jpeg, mp3 and mp4 files).
The materials will then be made available to other schools via the internet, in the first instance on the Kent Archaeological Society, Canterbury Archaeological Trust and Trust for Thanet Archaeology websites.
When the project is completed teachers should submit an expenses claim to be paid from the bursary. It must be supported with relevant documentation (e.g. invoices and receipts). It will be checked by the KAS Learning and Engagement Committee and forwarded to the KAS Finance Committee for payment. Acceptable expenses include:
the costs of supply cover;
the purchase of equipment, software and/or subscriptions essential to the project;
photocopying expenses;
travel expenses (for example to an archive office or museum).
Key dates
Applying for the bursary
1 April – 30 June
Early July
By 20 July
(before the end of Term 6)
Applications accepted
Applications considered by the KAS Learning and Engagement Committee
Applicants informed of the KAS Learning and Engagement Committee’s decision
Completing the project
1 September
(beginning of Term 1)
September – June
By 20 July
(before the end of Term 6)
Work on the project begins in successful applicant’s school
Regular contact between the applicant and KAS Learning and Engagement Committee adviser
Completion of project. Submission of all materials and claim form
All communications concerning the Bursary should be sent to the Manager of the Bursary (on behalf of KAS Learning and Engagement Committee): andyharmsworth@hotmail.com
Scheme of work template [docx]
Andy Harmsworth, March 2021