Desk-based projects
The Trust undertakes desk-based research for a wide range of customers at the pre-planning stage and in response to planning conditions. Our services include the provision of heritage statements, full desk-based archaeological assessments and cultural heritage contributions to environmental impact assessments. We also conduct historic landscape surveys and act as heritage consultants to various development and community led projects.
Using Historic Environment Records, documentary evidence, historic maps, aerial photographs, etc, we can begin to understand the potential impact of any new development on the historic environment. This includes designated heritage assets (from listed buildings to Scheduled Ancient Monuments and World Heritage Sites), buried and unburied archaeological features/deposits/etc and whole historic landscapes. Impact assessments can then be used by planners to inform the level and type of archaeological work/building recording/survey/etc that might be required via conditions placed on planning consent.
For more information, please contact: Jake Weekes, Research Manager: jake.weekes@canterburytrust.co.uk