C·A·T Project gazetteer
To use this gazetteer, click on the link and enter one or more Keywords of the project or place in the space beneath the drop down lists at the top-right of the page (e.g. ‘Chartham’; you can also select one or more of Period, Feature, or type of archaeological Intervention from the drop-down lists to refine your search), then click the Add to Map button to display matching projects as markers on the map. Each time you do this, a new colour-coded layer is added to the map. You can temporarily hide a layer by unticking the checkbox to the right of the layer in the legend. Click the Clear Map button to remove all layers from the map and start again.
Click on any map marker to display summary details of that project. In the summary details, click the More Information button to see a summary of that project and download any reports you find there if you wish.
Warning: some browsers will not operate the gazetteer properly; but current versions of Safari and Opera are compatible.