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Investigating Folkestone's East Cliff

Investigating Folkestone’s East Cliff curriculum pack
What is the story of the East Cliff?
What has been found?


This Canterbury Archaeological Trust curriculum pack supported the A Town Unearthed (ATU) Community History and Archaeology project (2010–2012).


The original hard copy pack is part of the Archaeological Resource Kit (ARK) for schools with original archaeological finds from East Cliff and the Folkestone area and is also a product of ATU.



Folkestone’s vanishing villa! [pdf]

Investigating the coast [pdf]

Luxury villa for rent [pdf]

More villa activities and useful ‘Roman’ links on the web [pdf]

How Cheriton Primary School used an ARK kit for lots of cross-curricular classroom work


Lessons on Folkestone’s Roman villa formed a large part of a local history study for pupils at Cheriton Primary, with the class teacher addressing the following aims and subject content for National Curriculum History.




  •  Know and understand… the nature of ancient civilisations

  •  Understand the methods of historical enquiry, including how evidence is used rigorously to make historical claims


Subject content


  • Pupils should continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history

  • They should construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information

  • Pupils should be taught about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain

  • Pupils should complete a local history study, for example an in-depth study linked to one of the British areas of study


Some literacy time was used for children planning and writing their ‘Roman villa for rent’ leaflets. This covered everything from reading non-fiction texts and pulling information from a variety of sources; planning a piece of work; drafting a text using appropriate vocabulary and with a particular audience in mind; proof reading work; and making amendments for a final edition.


Well done, Cheriton Primary and lovely to see your work!


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