On Thursday April 29 at 2pm we will be hosting a live Q&A session from site via zoom.
This will give you an opportunity to see how the site has developed and to ask us questions on the features and finds.
To join the event you can follow the link here: https://zoom.us/j/96951925402?pwd=TWdQRURjSU9YeW04RVFqUTNrbXM3UT09
If you want to ask a question ahead of time then you can leave a comment here or on our Facebook event page for this event.
(Please note this session may be recorded)
Thanet Parkway is to be a new railway station on the Ashford International-Ramsgate line. Details on the proposed station can be found on the Kent County Council website here. The archaeological work at Thanet Parkway is being managed by the WSP Cultural Heritage and Archaeology team. If you would like to ask a question about the excavation please email us using the contact form on our main page or by leaving a comment here. Questions about the station and project can be raised with KCC from their website here.
Follow on social media #thanetparkway